Held Captive by His Love
Monday, July 12, 2010 2:12 AM
The Lord has taught me so much over my forty-eight years of being a Christian. But over the last ten years, scales that I didn''t even realize were on my eyes have fallen off and my ears have been unplugged more than ever and because of that my heart opened in a much deeper and intimate way to Him so that He has been allowed to “heal the brokenhearted and set the captive free.”
I am a walking testament of His love and faithfulness. Previously, my abundant life in Christ was overshadowed by doubts, fears and unresolved emotional pain. My story is neither new nor unexpected in this day and age. I was sexually abused as a child, in the latter teenage years and during college.
Growing up in church, I heard Christians say two statements over and over, “Be careful what you pray for” and “don’t pray for patience.” I’m here to tell you don’t be fooled by not exposing your deepest needs to Him. Expose the things in your life that you fear…tell Him…don’t hold back because your life will not be what He wants it to be and your true identity in Christ will not be completely revealed until you do. Expose the lies, expose the doubt, expose the pain and expose what’s hidden behind your heart to Him. Bring everything into the light, as He is in the light. Beloved, don’t hold back! Give it to Him! Allow Him to come in and correct the wrongs His way and to heal your broken heart His way. We treat ourselves and think that we are cured of what has wounded us. We develop coping mechanisms to not only manage the pain but to do what only God can do in our lives. It’s like a scab that never heals and continues to bleed over and over. God wants to remove that scab and “bind up the wound” with His own hand. Allow Him to come in and heal you! You will never be able to thank Him enough for what He will do in your life.
The Lord is always proclaiming this truth to His children, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.” Revelation 3:20. This verse is not what has long been considered an evangelistic call to come to Christ for salvation. The book of Revelation was written to His children. The Lord is always at the door and knocking. The question is whether or not you hear His voice and will open the door to the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Beloved, His deepest desire is to heal you of all your wounds, all your hurts, and all your pain, but you have to open the door and allow Him to come in and do the work.
Christ came to set us free. “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.” Galatians 5:1. Are you walking in freedom? He’s already set you free. “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36. Because of wounds and deep hurts in our lives we sometimes have to learn to walk in the freedom He has already supplied. It doesn’t happen overnight. It will take time and a renewing of your mind. The greatest news of all is that you will not only grow in the freedom He desires for you, but more importantly, you will grow in your intimacy and love for the Lord. Your life will turn into an image of Him that is beautiful and lovely. Open the door of your heart to Him!
A prayer for surrender and healing if you''ve been afflicted:
Lord, forgive me for not understanding that I haven’t been walking in the freedom you paid the highest price to acquire for me. I come to you right now, broken and wounded as I am asking you to come in and heal those places that I have been either too scared or felt like I could handle on my own. Little did I know that as I chose to handle them myself, they became bigger and bigger areas of bondage in my life. You desire for your children to live free in Christ. I proclaim to you that I desire that freedom in my life. Come in Lord and bind up those wounds your way, in your timing. I give myself to you. I entrust myself to you completely. Thank you Lord, for what you are about to do in my life. I praise you. I honor you. In the ONLY name that can transform lives and heal the wounded, the matchless, precious name of Jesus. Amen.